My Aged care: an overview


What is My Aged Care?

My aged care is the Australian Government’s website which provides the information, resources and funding programs for aged care in Australia.

My Aged Care is directed towards those looking for aged care services for elderly or retiring people and their families. It also hosts information for service providers, carers and other information relating to aged care facilities and regulations.

Home care packages and government subsidised aged care are other popular topics which users often seek information on as well as pricing guides and estimators to help you understand what is required to finance aged care.

My Aged Care Assessments

My Agedcare has created a number of assessments to assist people looking for both Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Government Subsidy. The RAS is the Regional Assessment Service which is conducted in-person to determine eligibility for support at home.

The NSAF is the National Screening Assessment Form used by assessors to ensure the assessment process is consistent across the Australia.

The Activities of Daily Living (ADL) assessment is used to determine a person’s level of perceived functional ability and determines what type of care required.

For more information see our assessment page to see all assessments that may be useful to you.

How to contact My aged care?

The number for myAgedcare is 1800 200 422 or, you can visit the website at:


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