Retirement Options
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Retirement living in Australia
Retirement living is the term used to describe the variety of housing possibilities for seniors. These residence options generally involve downsizing as residents will no longer and considerations for services and amenities required for elderly people who are not always able to care for themselves. Retirement villages are an example of a common retirement living structure but there are many other options.
Retirement living options
Traditional retirement villages are most commonly seen as what retirement living ‘is’. These self-contained villages have various care options from minimal to fully-catered for. Modern retirement villages often contain many ‘self-contained units’ designed to help people stay living independently.
Some retirement villages also include nursing homes to provide aid to elderly people who are ill or require assistance with daily living. These premises are usually located on the same grounds as retirement villages and reduce the requirement of travel. To access a nursing home, a government assessment is usually required, and is dependent upon availability. To search for retirement living options, nursing homes or aged care homes, use the search function.
Retirement villages are often synonymous with retirement living. Usually designed to be self-contained and are a downsized living options for older people not living with families.
Retirement villages are not necessarily institutions themselves; they are a community of residences found within regional or in an urban environment.
Often people move to retirement villages because a family home is no longer suitable for their lifestyles. As couples are no longer living with a family or children, less physical space is required. Often due to loss of mobility, a smaller space is required that also requires less maintenance.
Types of retirement living
There are six main categories of retirement living:
1. Retirement villages
2. Land Lease Communities
3. Serviced Apartments
4. Home-care retirement villages
5. Co-located villages
6. Rental villages