Targeted clinical care
What is targeted clinical care?
Targeted Clinical care refers to services and supports that operate within a long-term care framework. This form of care is intended to alleviate stress, and assist in managing long term care.
Targeted clinical care involves one or more allied health practitioner to aid an individual in recovery from illness or a condition, or to help with quality of life and well-being.
What are the types of targeted clinical care?
The type of clinical care required will differ depending on the goal of the individual.
To recover from an acute illness or condition includes, speech therapists, podiatrists, medical professionals such as doctors, nursing, neurologist, dentists.
To recover from manage a chronic condition clinical experts such as: doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, myotherapists, cardiologists, strength and conditioning experts.
For well-being and improving quality of life services such as: osteopathy, personal trainers, psychologists, nutritionists, dieticians.
How do I access Targeted clinical care?
Clinical care is generally not included in aged care packages because of their high degree of specificity to the individual and their health conditions and goals. Check your aged care package and insurance to see what is included. Otherwise budget accordingly to align with your health and lifestyle requirements and goals.