Podiatry for aged care


What is Podiatry?
Your feet do a lot of work. By the time you’re 50 you’ll have likely walked over 120,000 km on them! As your feet are intricate structures with many bones, tendons, and ligaments that keep you moving, it is not uncommon for things to go wrong.

As people age, they tend to develop mobility problems. Sometimes the condition of our feet deteriorates. As healthy feet play a vital role in the functioning of our everyday lives and overall wellbeing, it is important to look after them.

Podiatrists are medical specialists who handle all issues relating to our feet and lower limbs. They help us stay on our feet for longer and aid in keeping pain and discomfort to a minimum. It is not uncommon that the earlier an issue is detected, the more the effective the treatment is in resolving the problem. Elderly individuals often see Podiatrists for a range of reasons, such as:

·       Fractures and sprains

·       Toe deformities/Bunions

·       Diabetes

·       Arthritis

·       Nail disorders

·       Nerve damage and heel pain

·       Orthotics

If you’re suffering from any issues relating to your feet, legs, or lower back, it may be worthwhile to see a Podiatrist.

 Accessing Podiatry Services:

While no referral is required to see a Podiatrist, they commonly accept referrals from GPs, specialists, NDIS providers, other health professionals, My Aged Care and Aged Care Packages.

Costs involved in seeing a Podiatrist can vary. The government can provide assistance through subsidised packages such as The Commonwealth Home Support Program and Home Care Packages.

To access these services, you must first determine your eligibility for subsidised care, and then search to get in contact with the appropriate providers. If you qualify for assistance, you’ll only have to contribute a small fee when seeing your local Podiatrist.

Here are some helpful things to know if you plan to see a Podiatrist:

·       If you are 65 years old or older, you can access My Aged Care support after being assessed by My Aged Care.

·       If you have to see a Podiatrist to receive a diagnosis or treat a medical condition, some podiatry services are bulk billed under the Medicare scheme.

·       GP’s can provide access to Medicare Schemes through creating a Management Plan and Team Care arrangement.

Many podiatry services however will not be covered by Medicare. Instead, it may be covered under private health insurance or must be paid out of pocket.


Receiving the right quality of care for issues surrounding our feet, legs, or lower back can substantially improve one’s quality of life. Luckily, in Australia there are a range of options that support individuals in seeing their local Podiatrist by offering financial assistance.


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