Aged Care Access Blog

Access all the resources you need in one place for aged care in Australia

resources IT Team Psych Press resources IT Team Psych Press

Royal Commission into aged care quality and safety Australia

A royal commission is set up by the parliament of Australia and is a major inquiry into a matter of public importance. What is the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety about?

Providing information on the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. A lot of this information is accessible to the public – however, providing it in a way that is easily digestible.

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resources IT Team Psych Press resources IT Team Psych Press

The Definitive Checklist for choosing an aged care facility

While you’re at the aged care home, you’ll notice certain things and form your own opinion. Take your time to walk around and talk to as many people as possible. You may choose the relevant categories and requirements that apply to you to create your very own checklist with all of your most important requirements for an aged care home.

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