Aged Care Access Blog
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Life insurance costs
The premiums related to life insurance policies will be dependent on your age, health, occupation and cover amount. They may be fixed, remaining the same each year, or they may increase as you age or as your cover increases. When calculating the amount of coverage required you must take into account:
Creating a will: what you need to know
A will is a legal document that states how your assets will be distributed after you die. These assets, or the property that you leave behind, are known as your “estate”. These may include items of great monetary value such as your home, as well as sentimental items.
What is life insurance and how does it work?
Life insurance is intended to protect your family if something unexpected were to happen to you. Different life insurance products are intended to protect you and your loved ones in a range of circumstances. A lump sum will be paid to your designated beneficiary upon the unexpected circumstances such as the diagnosis of a terminal illness, or death.